Electric energy transmission
Transmission through the Company’s grid in 2012 is 0.6% higher compared to 2011 and 0.7% lower compared to 2010.
The reason for the reduction in the transmission volumes compared to 2010 was the conclusion in 2011 of direct agreements with JSC FGC UPS by consumers of LLC Rusenergoresource, LLC Rusenergosbyt, JSC Russian Railways in Vologdaenergo, Arkhenergo, Karelenergo, Komienergo branches as related to connection points to UNPG (“last mile”).
The increase of this value compared to 2011 was due to the acquisition in February 2012 of two overhead lines 110 kV from ZAO Sh.Vorgashorskaya 2 (in 2010-2011 transmission volumes through these lines were included in the direct agreement made between JSC FGC UPS and CJSC Eurasian Energy Company), the growth of electric energy consumption by such large consumers as JSC Severstal, JSC Apatit, JSC SUAL KAZ-SUAL, JSC LUKoil-Komi, and the growth of electric energy consumption by the population and non-industrial consumers.
Structure of electric power supply from the Company’s grids by consumer groups (as of December 2012)

Technological connection
The share of the Company in the technological connection market of the Northwestern Federal District varies depending on the region and the voltage level of grids to which the connection is made.
In all regions included in the zone of responsibility of IDGC of the North-West the Company’s market share for voltage level of 35kV and above is close to 100%.
For voltages of 0.4 kV to 20 kV the market share is different and varies from 100% at Pskovenergo to 3% at Kolenergo. At all other branches the market share for this voltage level is distributed as follows: Karelenergo — 80%, Komienergo — 80%, Arkhenergo — 70%, Novgorodenergo — 62%, Vologdaenergo — approximately 58%.
Such difference by regions is associated with the established ownership of grids of each level of voltage. There are almost no 0.4 and 10 kV grids on the balance sheet of Kolenergo, therefore, this branch has made very few connections at this voltage level. At the same time, Pskovenergo owns the most part of grids of this voltage in the Pskov Region.
Retail energy supplier
Since 2006 JSC Pskovenergo has performed functions of a guaranteeing supplier in the territory of the Pskov Region. From April 01, 2008 the company is a 100% subsidiary of IDGC of the North-West.