Stakeholders > Personnel > Creation of conditions for development

IDGC of the North-West carries out its activities in a changing world, every day facing new challenges which require new knowledge, skills and competences from the Company’s personnel. At the same time, each of our employees strives to develop and obtain new knowledge for its application in work and self-fulfillment. That is why we put a lot of time and money in organizing qualification upgrade process, developing and additional training of employees, creating conditions for our employees’ self-education and access to up-to-date educational services. This approach enables us to implement short-term tasks and to adapt promptly to new requirements without sacrificing business effectiveness.

Personnel training

Training of managers and specialists according to the Regulation on Organization of Staff Development, Retraining and Advanced Vocational Training is carried out by topics that correspond to the business tasks and the Company’s technical policy, according to the instructions of supervising authorities.

Training is aimed to increase power supply system reliability, level of operation and repair quality of equipment of grids and substations.

Company/branch Training undergone by employees, times Expenses, thousand rubles
2012 2011 2010 2012 2011 2010
Executive apparatus 135 124 87 2,015 2,247 1,580
Arkhenergo 1,283 952 970 5,214 2,888 3,116
Vologdaenergo 4,453 4,384 1,973 14,404 12,569 11,490
Karelenergo 1,609 1,640 1,610 4,499 4,321 3,942
Kolenergo 2,211 1,756 1,545 5,452 4,592 5,635
Komienergo 3,765 3,489 3,980 9,251 7,742 5,788
Novgorodenergo 2,745 2,133 790 3,640 3,333 2,483
Pskovenergo 2,395 1,970 1,758 5,789 5,325 2,865
Total for the Company 18,596 16,447 12,713 50,264 43,012 36,899

Expenses on training, additional training and qualification upgrade were 0.8% of the Salary Fund in 2011 and 1% of the Salary Fund in 2012.

The Company’s employees are trained in the following areas:

  • advanced vocational training of managers, workers and specialists in the educational centers and in advanced vocational training institutions;
  • managers’ and specialists’ participation in topical workshops;
  • preparation of workers for new positions;
  • workers’ training in secondary profession (allied trade, as a rule);
  • training of technical engineering personnel in the specialties of Rostekhnadzor and Russian bureau of motor vehicles;
  • workers’ receiving higher and secondary vocational education.

Personnel are trained on an off-job basis in state accredited and well reputed education institutions having required licenses:

  • FSAEI FVE Petersburg Power Engineering Institute of Professional Development, Saint Petersburg
  • Institute of Professional Development of Public Administration, Moscow
  • Vologda State Technical University
  • Institute of Professional Development and Personnel Retraining of Ivanovo State Power Engineering University
  • Pomor State University named after М.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk
  • Ukhta State Technical University
  • Syktyvkar State University
  • Private Education Institution Training Center Energetik, Vologda (founded by IDGC of the North-West)
  • Non-State Autonomous Non-Commercial Education Organization Training Center Energetik, Kirov (founded by IDGC of the Center and Volga Region)
  • Agro-industrial lyceums

Information on the volume of educational services provided to the Company in the reporting period by training centers founded by the Company

Name of Training Center Number of employees Number of trainings Total cost of educational services provided, RUB thousand
Private Education Institution Training Center Energetik, Vologda 29 188 8,543.56
Learning and Training Educational Center for Personnel Training of the HR Department of Kolenergo branch 4 62 0
Total 33 250 8,543.56

In order to fulfill an annual training program with reduction of training costs new methods and activities were applied in 2011-2012, the main of which are:

  • organization of training on the job, with onsite visits of instructors of educational institutions under contracts;
  • expansion of technical training opportunities, inclusion of the most pressing issues in the curriculum;
  • reduction of training terms due to the self-study and distance education;
  • participation of managers and specialists of the Company in scientific and technical seminars, students’ scientific and practical conferences related to the energy industry.

It has become a good tradition to include the material learned in the course of qualification upgrade trainings and workshops into the technical and economic training plan.

Personnel qualification development and upgrade

Qualification development and upgrade are achieved through organization and conduct of professional mastership competitions. Such competitions are conducted annually in the Company’s branches in order to define the best brigade which will later participate in regional (within IDGC) and all-Russian competitions among energy sector employees.

In 2011 teams of the Company’s branches took part in regional competitions of professional mastership among dispatchers of operative and control services and operating repair personnel of distribution electric grids of IDGC of the North-West.

In 2011 “Best Accountant of JSC IDGC of the North-West” competition was organized for the first time among employees of accounting services of IDGC of the North-West.

In 2012 competitions for professional mastership of brigades of services of insulation and protection of electric equipment from overvoltage in the distribution grid complex of IDGC Holding were held.

Employees’ qualification upgrade is also carried out by a systematic conduct of annual onsite off-the-job technical and economic trainings in production departments in accordance with relevant orders and on the basis of approved lesson plans. Based on the results of 2011 the share of employees undergone onsite training was 85% and about 87% in 2012.

Based on the training results an efficiency analysis of the training is carried out. New up-to-date forms and methods of delivery of material are developed and implemented, modern interactive multimedia systems are actively used.

The Company continuously improves classrooms and polygons, purchases and installs modern equipment and software.

In 2013 we plan to create a unified information base — an electronic library.

Creation of a career management system

JSC IDGC of the North-West maintains a managerial personnel reserve and a reserve of young specialists.

A personnel reserve is a group of qualified and prospective managers and specialists formed based on results of assessment of professional and business qualities required for promotion to new positions.

We identify employees who have a potential for development and positive recommendations with regard to their existing positions. The personnel reserve is filled annually.

Managerial personnel reserve of JSC IDGC of the North-West

Work with the managerial personnel reserve of IDGC of the North-West is carried out in accordance with the Regulation on Work with Personnel Reserve for Managerial Positions approved by Order No. 472 of IDGC of the North-West of October 15, 2008. The reserve is filled annually.

The managerial personnel reserve of IDGC of the North-West was created for:

  • increasing the efficiency of management activities of the Company and its structural subdivisions;
  • creating conditions for promotion of the most competent and trained employees to the superior positions;
  • operative staff recruitment for vacated and newly introduced positions or replacement of employees unable to ensure proper management by trained managers;
  • short-term replacement of officers performing administrative and legal functions in their absence;
  • increasing employees’ motivation for professional and career growth, development of their managerial responsibility and independence in making managerial decisions;
  • providing succession and transfer of managerial experience by renewal of the Company’s management composition and optimization of the combination of young, prospective and experienced employees;
  • prevention of mistakes, hastiness, subjectivity in selection, allocation and training of managers and specialists, candidates to superior positions.

The personnel reserve includes positions of managers by areas of activity, heads and deputy heads of structural subdivisions, heads of sectors, production laboratories, chief foremen, foremen and executive officers.

The main criteria in selection of candidates to be included in the managerial personnel reserve are the level of knowledge and experience, professional efficiency and personal characteristics.

In order to assess the dynamics of development of important qualities and to obtain recommendations on expediency of appointment in a position by services of psycho-physiological reliability of personnel, psycho-physiological diagnostic analysis of reservists is carried out, which allows identifying the availability of optimal personal qualities and potential of the reservist required for efficiency and expediency of appointment in the reserved position. In addition, taking into account results of psycho-physiological assessment and peculiarities of the position to which the reservist is prepared, individual work plans for the manager/specialist included in the reserve are developed.

As of the end of 2012, the managerial personnel reserve of IDGC of the North-West included 1,410 employees.

Company/branch Number of employees in the managerial personnel reserve as of the end of the year Number of new members admitted to the managerial personnel reserve Excluded from the personnel reserve Target positions changed Appointed to the target positions Appointed to other superior positions
Arkhenergo 287 19 22 7 1
Vologdaenergo 256 10 6
Karelenergo 78 2 2 2
Kolenergo 102 8 2
Komienergo 359 20 8
Novgorodenergo 111 19 25 7 9
Pskovenergo 58 15 10 4
IDGC of the North-West 159 4

Most employees included in the managerial personnel reserve underwent qualification upgrade training, took part in consulting (off-the-job) workshops on topics relevant to their areas of activity.

All reservists undergo technical and economic training on a monthly basis. The key forms of reservists’ development in 2011-2012 were self-training, active participation in all kinds of internal trainings, performance of duties of the reserved position in the absence of the existing manager.

Personnel reserve of young specialists

We maintain the reserve of young specialists in order to create opportunities for professional development and career growth for the most prospective young specialists of the Company.

One of the principles of creating and filling the reserve is the voluntary participation and assessment of candidates included in the personnel reserve.

Employees included in the personnel reserve are up to 35 years old. All candidates must have higher professional education. Separate requirements are: professional and careers growth motivation, readiness to change, correspondence of the employee’s competences to a required level.

The following would be an asset:

  • several higher education, academic degree, professional retraining in the field corresponding to the candidate’s area of activity;
  • the candidate’s participation in the Company’s public life (in corporate and sporting events, activities of the Youth Council);
  • work in scientific and technical councils and working groups of the Company and Russian Grids;
  • labor-saving, efficient and innovative proposals.

In order to determine candidates’ potential and select the most effective methods of development of professional and managerial competencies, in order to create individual development plans assessments are carried out, including:

  • expert appraisal of documents (questionnaires, education documents, managers’ recommendations, etc.);
  • psychological testing;
  • interviewing and business games.

Based on the results of assessments HR commissions of the Executive Apparatus and branches make recommendations on inclusion of candidates in the personnel reserve.

For employees recommended for inclusion in the reserve target positions and tutors were selected from among highly qualified employees of the Company who are able to provide effective assistance to reservists in gaining knowledge, skills, competencies required for the target position.

The personnel reserve of young specialists of IDGC of the North-West was created in 2011 in accordance with the Regulation on Personnel Reserve of Young Specialists of IDGC of the North-West and External Personnel Reserve. It includes 55 employees of the Company.

Company/branch Number of employees in the personnel reserve of young specialists as of the end of the year Number of new members admitted to the personnel reserve of young specialists Excluded from the personnel reserve Target positions changed Tutor changed Appointed to the target position Appointed to other superior positions
Arkhenergo 55 no 1 no no no no
Vologdaenergo 21 no 18 no no 4 7
Karelenergo 17 no 0 no no no no
Kolenergo 16 no 1 no 1 1 no
Komienergo 52 no 5 no no no no
Novgorodenergo 11 no 16 2 no 5 no
Pskovenergo 11 no 4 no no no no
IDGC of the North-West 55, including 3 employees of the Executive Apparatus no 1 no 1 1 no

In 2012 we sent reservists to educational institutions for participation in training programs, workshops and conferences. Trainings for members of the personnel reserve were carried out by qualified teachers from the International Institute of Business Education (Murmansk) and the Center of Continuous Training of Managers of MMK International (Saint Petersburg).

Based on the training results individual recommendations were prepared for reservists on further improvement of managerial competences.

Within the framework of further activities relating to the personnel reserve of young specialists in 2013 it is planned to fill the reserve with new employees and develop new forms and methods of reservists’ competence development.

Youth council

In order to build an effective interaction with young specialists the Company established the Youth Council of IDGC of the North-West, whose activities are aimed at unification of young employees of the Company, increase of their involvement in public, professional and creative activities, development of a modern approach to implementation of a unified youth policy and solving problems of young people.

The Council’s activities are carried out in all areas: from innovative developments to volunteer activities. For example, in the reporting period the Youth Council annually took part in the All-Russian Youth Competition of Science-Intensive Innovative Ideas and Projects “Energy of the Future”, participated in development of proposals on youth programs for inclusion in the Company’s Collective Agreement, and carried out professionally oriented works within the framework of cooperation with higher education institutions.

On the initiative of the Council active volunteer movement was organized in the Company under the framework of which young specialists give lessons on electrical safety in schools and orphanages, plant trees within the scope of “Forest Energy” action, raise funds to support severely ill and financially disadvantaged citizens. Young employees of IDGC of the North-West actively participate in work with veterans: for example, in 2012 young specialists took part in a large-scale opening ceremony of the All-Russian Victory Banner Race, in the support of veterans. In the course of the race Energy Engineers’ Alley was laid at the Warrior Liberator Monument in Idritsa village of the Pskov region.

The Youth Council activities are carried out by enthusiastic and volunteer effort, without organizational motivation and financial incentives. Members of the Council prepare and conduct events solely in their personal time and have raised the development of the youth policy in the Company to the all-Russian level.