Stakeholders > Interaction with stakeholders

By assuming responsibility for economic, environmental and social consequences of our activities we endeavor to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to be heard and to take part in making decisions affecting their interests. We are committed to improvement of approaches to the dialogue and to maximization of effectiveness of the interaction process for the purpose of prompt identification of problems and finding coordinated solutions.

Information disclosure and transparent business conduct underlie the interaction with stakeholders.

In order to maintain a continuous dialogue with stakeholders we use the following forms of interaction:

  • meetings, conferences and round tables;
  • partnership and membership;
  • regular reporting on the Company’s activities;
  • corporate portal and other Internet resources;
  • questionnaires and surveys.

Map of stakeholders’ requirements

List of stakeholdersTopics relevant for stakeholders in 2011-2012
Shareholders and investorsFinancial stability and receipt of target profit
Effective corporate governance
Mitigation of investment risks
Protection of shareholders’ rights
Consumers Reliable and high-quality power supply
Transparent policy of tariff formation
Fulfillment of technological connection obligations
Improvement of service quality
PersonnelFair salary
Creation of a safe work environment
Social support
Training and development
Governmental bodies and local self-governing authorities Creation of conditions for development of regions
Assurance of the population safety
Efficient use of resources
Mitigation of a direct environmental impact
Suppliers and contractors Timely and accurate fulfillment of contractual obligations
Transparent purchasing systems
Educational institutions and scientific communitySupport of education quality improvement
Support of scientific and research activities