Educational institutions and scientific communities

Reliable work of facilities of the electric grid complex directly depends on the level of professionalism and qualification of employees. That is why we are interested in a constant dialogue with higher education institutions whose graduates become our employees. For IDGC of the North-West long-term partnership with high education institutions is a guarantee of constant inflow of highly qualified staff. Moreover, our dialogue with higher education institutions is aimed to increase the quality of engineering education in the North-West: we understand real tasks to be fulfilled by the distribution electric grid complex and, hence, are able to assist education institutions in modernizing the system of training of engineering personnel and harmonizing it with real needs of the energy sector.

Forms of interaction | |
Programs for support and development of the Company’s human resources | On the basis of a branch of “Energy and Transport” department of the Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU) works were performed to improve and optimize educational process for specialties: 140211 “Energy Supply” and 140106 “Energy Supply to Enterprises” and to train competitive specialists and adapt their education to the needs of the branch. |
Meetings, conferences, “round tables” | In the reporting period meetings with scientists of the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University and Saint Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics on the formation of a uniform scientific and technical policy in the field of innovations were held. In July-August 2012 IDGC of the North-West held a series of round tables with representatives of public organizations, education institutions and the EMERCOM of Russia at which system-defined proposals were made for minimization of the risk of third-party electrocution. Practical Conference “Children’s Safety is Above All Else” held in Veliky Novgorod became the final stage of the all-Russian exchange of knowledge, experience, technology and practices for prevention of child electric traumatism. |
Participation in scientific and technical developments and projects | Project “Development of New Means of Metering and Automated Experimental Detection of Impulse Characteristics of Grounding Devices” prepared by an authoring team of scientists of the North-West became a winner of the competition in nomination “Future Distribution Electric Grid Complex of Russia: Innovative Environment and Operational Activities” within the framework of the First All-Russian Youth Competition of Science-Intensive Innovative Ideas. |