Stakeholders > Suppliers and contractors > Transparent purchasing system

Transparent purchasing system

The high degree of transparency of purchasing activities is ensured by the Regulation on the Procedure for Regulated Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for the Needs of JSC IDGC of the North-West effective in the Company.

In order to ensure transparency of financial and business activities, including avoidance of a conflict of interest and other abuse relating to the position held counteragents disclose information on the entire chain of owners, including beneficiaries (in particular, final beneficiaries), confirmed by relevant documents.

We perform serious work to control the contractual activities. Agreements and contracts for purchases of goods, works and services are made with counteragents only if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • documentary confirmation of the legal capacity;
  • confirmation of adequacy of labor, material, technological and financial resources for fulfillment of contractual obligations;
  • confirmation of the authority of persons acting on behalf of the counteragent;
  • provision of information on executive authorities and owners of the organization (including final beneficiaries).

In carrying out purchasing activities participants who fail to disclose the entire chain of owners, including beneficiaries (final beneficiaries), will be rejected and not be admitted to tendering.

All agreements for purchase of goods, works and services made by the Company envisage a counteragent’s obligation for provision to the Company of information in case of any changes in the composition of owners and/or beneficiaries (including final beneficiaries) within 5 days of such changes in the established form, with the exception for the following agreements:

  • public agreements, including agreements for provision of electric energy transmission services and agreements for technological connection;
  • agreements for purchase of exchange goods on a commodity exchange in accordance with the legislation on commodity markets and exchange trading;
  • other similar transactions for which the legislation does not provide an opportunity to choose counteragent;
  • agreements having an administrative or business purpose.