The issue of efficiency of the HR and social policy is closely connected with the situation on a timely payment and indexation of salaries and wages and assurance of its competitiveness in the regional labor markets, which results in a traditionally higher level of salary of employees of all branches of the Company compared to the average salary of employees working in relevant regions.
Remuneration system
The Company’s remuneration system is based on unified principles of social partnership provided by the Collective Agreement of IDGC of the North-West and Regulation on Remuneration of Employees of IDGC of the North-West. The effective organization System of Labor Organization and Remuneration corresponds to the Recommendations on a Unified Procedure for Remuneration of Power Industry Employees by Tariff Rates (Official Salary)” approved by the Association of Employers of the Power Industry and All-Russian Electric Union.
The task of maintaining competitiveness of salary in the regional labor market is resolved by timely payment and indexation of salaries and wages, which results in a traditionally higher level of salary of employees of all branches of the Company compared to the average salary of employees working in relevant regions.
Analysis of growth of the average salary of employees of branches of IDGC of the North-West in dynamics for 2010-2012
Indicator | Arkhenergo | Vologdaenergo | Karelenergo | Kolenergo | Komienergo | Novgorodenergo | Pskovenergo |
Average salary for 2010. RUB | 33,496 | 28,814 | 34,690 | 41,792 | 36,242 | 22,141 | 21,516 |
Average salary for 2011. RUB | 35,871 | 31,342 | 37,394 | 44,519 | 39,556 | 23,494 | 23,766 |
Average salary for 2012. RUB | 39,139 | 33,409 | 40,974 | 48,474 | 43,121 | 25,034 | 25,974 |
Salary growth rate of the branch employees in 2011-2012, % | 109.1 | 106.6 | 107.8 | 109.6 | 109.0 | 106.6 | 109.9 |
Salary growth rate of the branch employees in 2010-2011, % | 107.09 | 108.77 | 107.79 | 106.53 | 109.14 | 106.11 | 110.46 |
Average salary of regions according to FSSS for 2012, RUB | 28,900 | 22,890 | 25,025 | 36,259 | 33,465 | 20,984 | 17,922 |
Salary growth rate of employees of Northwestern region in 2012, % | 114.7 | 109.1 | 114.8 | 111.9 | 115.9 | 115.4 | 112.9 |
Deviation of average salary of employees of a branch from average salary of employees of the Northwestern region, % | 135.4 | 146.0 | 163.7 | 133.7 | 128.9 | 119.3 | 144.9 |
The size of salary in different branches of the Company is affected by a factor of attribution of a relevant region to the territories of the Far North or equated areas due to regional coefficients and wage premiums established by the RF Government and government authorities.
Based on the results of 2011, the salary growth rate by branches slightly exceeded (or is equal to) the CPI (Consumer Price Index) growth rate in 2011 (6.1 %).
In 2012 the growth rate of the average salary for the Company in general amounted to 9.0% and by 2.4% increased CPI for 2012 (6.6 %).
In 2011-2012 the policy was implemented for maintaining a higher remuneration level for specialists and workers of the relay protection and automatics services and a range of non-professional occupations of line personnel by applying increasing coefficients to tariff rates and official salaries of employees (Vologdaenergo Branch), by setting a higher percentage rate of a monthly bonus based on results of production and business activities (Novgorodenergo and Pskovenergo Branches), by establishing a remuneration level one step higher compared to other specialties (Karelenergo), by setting personal premium for professional skills (Kolenergo Branch).