Our company implements a systematic approach to the issues of labor protection, safety assurance and improvement of workplace conditions. The main goal is to increase efficiency of measures taken for prevention of injuries, supporting employee’s life and health protection in the course of performance of their employment duties.
Harm can be caused to the life or health of the Company’s employees through:
- electrocution;
- falls from height inthe course ofperformance ofworks atheight oroverhead works;
- exposure tomoving, flying and rotating parts and components;
- exposure tocold temperatures (chilblain when performing outdoor works inlow temperature);
- exposure tohot temperatures (including electric arc);
- road accidents when using vehicles for transportation;
- contact with animals, insects and reptiles;
- other causes (attack bythird parties, personal negligence).

In the reporting period over RUB530 million was spent on occupational safety activities.
Number of injured persons by cause of an accident
Cause of accident | Number of injured persons | ||
2012 | 2011 | 2010 | |
Total number of accidents, including: | 14 | 16 | 14 |
Road traffic offence | 3 | 6 | 4 |
Unsatisfactory organization of works | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Unsatisfactory condition of buildings and structures | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Expansion of work area | 0 | 0 | |
Failure to use personal protective equipment | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Violation of labor and production discipline, including the injured person being under the influence of alcohol or narcotics | 3
2 | 0 | 1 |
Induced voltage electric shock | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Violation of safety requirements in operation of vehicles | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Use of a worker of wrong specialty, expansion of building, work area | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Other accidents and dangerous occurrences | 6 | 7 | 4 |
Total number of injured persons (people), including: | 14 | 16 | 14 |
Severe injury (people) | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Fatal (people) | 1 | 0 | 3 |
The analysis of reasons of workplace injuries shows that most accidents occur due to organizational reasons as a result of low labor and production discipline, non-fulfillment by employees of their duties to observe safe labor conditions.
The number of injuries caused by road accidents is still high. The main cause of accidents is violation of driving rules by drivers.
Workplace accident and injury reduction
During the period from 2008 to 2012 no cases of occupational disease were registered.
The Company takes measures for reduction of occupational traumatism, including regular medical examinations, examination of personnel in professional pathology centers and analysis of disease incidence by personnel categories.

Workplace attestation was carried out at 1,037 workplaces in 2011 and at 2,060 workplaces in 2012.
PPE was provided to 99.4% of employees in 2012 and 94.6% in 2011.

In 2012 expenses on mandatory preventive and regular medical examinations and provision of PPE to employees were increased.
Attestation of workplaces by labor conditions, development of measures for bringing workplaces into compliance with the requirements based on the attestation results also serve this purpose.
Safe working conditions and injury risk reduction are also ensured by timely provision of protective clothing, protective shoes and other personal protection equipment (PPE), communication means, first-aid kits, medicines, sanitizers and disinfectants, milk and other similar food products.
In order to improve work for reduction of occupational traumatism and improvement of occupational safety in the Company the following documents were approved:
Plan of top-priority measures aimed to prevent accidents and human errors, including the following measures:
- prevention of accidents;
- prevention of road accidents and emergencies;
- improvement of forms of work with personnel, including preparation to errorless actions in the conditions of increased responsibility and danger;
- development of the system of assurance of psycho-physiological
reliability of personnel; - expansion of corrective measures to influence direct violators of labor protection rules and officers failing to perform labor safety functions;
- improvement of organizational and methodical work for labor safety;
- software for assurance of personnel life and health protection;
- employees’ motivation to work safely, without injuries and violations of work performance technology and labor protection requirements.
Plan of actions to reduce third-party injury risks, including the following measures:
- child injury prevention;
- third-party injury prevention;
- prevention of injuries of employees of contracted organizations.
Development of the personnel psycho-physiological reliability system
Personnel psycho-physiological reliability services (PPRS) function in the Company’s branches. Their goal is to protect employees’ health. There are 46 qualified employees working in PPRS, including psychologists, doctors, technicians.
Activities of PPRS in 2011-2012, people
Activity | 2012 | 2011 |
Removal of employees based on results of pre-trip and pre-shift examinations due to health condition | 354 | 451 |
Removal of employees based on results of pre-trip and pre-shift examinations with signs of alcoholic intoxication | 5 | 12 |
Regular medical examinations | 8,314 | 8,061 |
Additional medical examinations | 403 | 1,053 |
Treatment in sanatorium-preventorium paid by the Social Insurance Fund | 178 | 86 |
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination | 3,080 | 2,542 |
Unscheduled inspections of workplaces and health condition of employees | 684 | 684 |
In 2011 the PPRS specialists carried out a psychological examination of relations between members of repair brigades. This research allowed to identify key problems arising in work teams. In 2011-2012 based on the results of the examination analytical reports containing problems relating to a certain team and recommendation for resolving such problems were prepared for managers. In order to optimize the social and psychological climate corrective measures were developed allowing to create necessary conditions for effective and reliable functioning of repair brigades.
Within the framework of activities aimed at prevention of road accidents in 2012 a social and psychological examination was carried out in order to identify factors contributing to road accidents.
The PPRS specialists performed an assessment of individual merits of employees in order to identify a predilection for accidents, evaluation of professional knowledge of employees and identification of personnel’s attitude to different aspects of work activities. Based on the results of the examination recommendations were developed and measures were planned to prevent road accidents.
In order to strengthen a psycho-physiological aspect of work activities it is planned for 2013 to carry out psychological diagnostic and medical examination of personnel and to conduct trainings for development of professional safety skills and healthcare.

Informing and training of personnel in the field of occupational safety
One of the necessary conditions of a successful solution of the entire set of problems relating to occupational safety, workplace injury and disease prevention is the increase of employees’ knowledge level on these issues.
The Company conducts trainings and provides information to employees in the field of occupational safety, including all types of instructions on labor safety, testing knowledge of rules and standards, emergency response drills and fire trainings. The Company also has additional training programs on the most dangerous works, including those not relating to electric traumatism.
All subdivisions of all branches of the Company conduct, on a regular basis, a Labor Protection Day and Fire Safety Day, during which errors and faults are identified and eliminated, which allows avoiding emergency situations, preventing from accidents among our employees and ensuring safe workplace conditions.
In subdivisions of each branch occupational safety classes equipped with learning stands and multimedia materials are organized. In order to train and develop first-aid skills the Company has special-purpose simulators “Gosha” and “Glasha”.
Prior to the beginning of an autumn-winter period branches of IDGC of the North-West organize special-purpose preparation measures for performance of work in difficult conditions. Employees undergo additional trainings and instruction briefings; hone their practical skills on prototypes, simulators and equipment under maintenance. As an additional preventive measure, a review and analysis of situations which have caused accidents and technological violations in the preceding year are carried out.